During Labor
Using a Baby Bump during labor allows your baby to drop down naturally. It helps to speed up dilation, effacement and the process of labor. Baby Bumps help relieve back, hip and pelvic pain in birth to help a woman labor more efficiently. If a woman sits and bounces up and down a Baby Bump can help get labor started.
During labor, sitting on a Baby Bump can relax the pelvic wall and make the spasms of childbirth less pronounced and more bearable. It is believed that bouncing on a stability ball at the end of their pregnancy could actually encourage labor to begin. If you're past 40 weeks in your pregnancy and ready for your baby to come, give it a try!
Once you're in labor, there are many wonderful positions that you can try to help you get more comfortable. Just sitting and swaying back and forth can help you focus on getting through one contraction at a time. If you’re having your baby at the hospital, check to see if every birthing room has a Baby Bump available for you to use. If one is not available, be sure to bring your own!
“I sat on my Baby Bump
and leaned over on the bed.
It was very good at progressing
my labor.”